Inflammation of the throat and tonsils respiratory symptoms is very easy and extends into the cold season. 5 herb below will help you destroy the roots of this nasty disease.
Common expression of sore throat and tonsils are throat pain, swelling, itching rash, eating or talking are painful, even , coughing up cheaply all day, leading to loss of eating, insomnia, fatigue, body of work declined.
In Oriental medicine, there are many types of herbs you can take effect, the description of the fire to help eradicate the root of the disease quickly.
flower Honeysuckle
Also known as the Eastern Ring or the United States, Banks have the effect, detoxification, thermal style rivets should be used to treat the symptoms of throat inflammation, boils, rash.
According to research, the flowers are Honeysuckle main chemical components include flavonoids and saponins have antibacterial effects, inhibiting various types of bacteria and inflammatory.
Figworts have sweetness, slightly bitter, as South Korea, have described the fire, Sonic balm b. Tan, concur connect, only thirsty, throat, Apple help fast impact on profitability of heat buildup in toxic waste, reduce inflammation, recovery of the lining of the throat, cough drops a quick way
Components of figworts include figworts factor (scrophularin), asparagin, alcaloid, essential oils, fatty acids and sugars help reduce fever, inflammation, inhibits the growth of bacteria should be used in the treatment of diseases has fever, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, acute and chronic related scrap …
According to Oriental medicine, dandelion has a cooling effect detoxify, target the inflammation spreads, often combined to treat the inflammation, boils, sores.
At the same time, modern medicine also pointed out the main components of dandelion include Flavonoids, plastic substances should have the effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria bacillus subtilis, staphylococcus aureus, Candida yeast against … causing sore throats; anti-inflammatory, swelling.
the Radiation can
Radiation can also tidbits have called or sea, are classified as “thermal bar detoxification” of Oriental medicine, especially effective with throats
According to Oriental medicine, radiation can have a bitter taste, as South Korea, have the effect of cooling expectorant, detoxification benefits listed so the application to the treatment of oropharynx swelling pain, asthma cough in vogue talks …
Research of modern medicine, radiation can have the glucozit with the antifungal effects, respiratory virus.
Seven leaves of a flower
According to traditional medicine, Seven leaves a bitter taste, the United States, the South Korean economy. Uses: heat, cough drops, reduce inflammation, edema of throat (thũng only), burning pain due to inflammation of the throat. In addition, reduce cough, asthma, asthmatic high fever convulsions.
Seven leaves a flower also inhibits the growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus bacteria … cause sore throats; destroy virus influenza, making bronchodilator, antispasmodic. At the same time excluding phlegm and relieve cough, burning pain, anti-inflammatory.
The combination of 5 types of this precious medicinal herbs in the right proportions, shades or extracted by a special sequence will generate comprehensive impact on sized cooling medium anti-inflammatory, destroying bacteria viruses cause disease. Therefore, you should cook this type 5 common shades of drinking water every day will help eliminate sore throat and tonsils a cutover and fast way.